Conversion in Entities without baking

Hello everyone! I am a newbie developer who just got acquainted with Entities a few days ago. But it turned out to be too complicated for me.
And here is one question that I still don’t know the answer to. How to create entities from standard game objects WITHOUT BAKING?
Let’s just say I load prefabs using Addressables and then want to convert them into entities. What should I do?

Apologize for my illiteracy. I am Russian

Baking (which only occurs in the editor) is the only supported means to convert GameObjects to entity representations. If you want this outside baking, you need to rebuild the functionality yourself or find someone else who built it. There are alternative patterns which may be of use, such as using EntityPrefabReference or baking needed prefabs into subscenes manually with whatever identification mechanism makes sense.

Then can you please show a simple example of how I can get an Entity from a GameObject using one of these methods?
For example, EntityPrefabReference