Hi, so I’ve used Unity 2019.3 to do some artistic design and saved a prefab gameobject with a few thousand objects as children. I’m now trying to port this into a project that’s on 2018.1 but I can’t find a way to convert it. All it says is ‘Unable to instantiate prefab. Prefab may be broken.’ when trying to instantiate it. In the project view, I can see some of the o The only components in that prefab are Transform, MeshRenderer, MeshFilter and LODGroup on its children. How would I go about downgrading this prefab to work with an older version of Unity?
I’d guess something has changed about the data on one or more components between your two unity versions that is making 2018 unable to read the data properly.
What kind of objects and components are on this prefab? Maybe you could write a quick editor script to save relevant data to a CSV file, and then recreate that prefab from the CSV.
Yes I’ve had to write my own converter. Same thing with the terrain.