Dear Unity users,
I’ll need to represent my mesh as a graph G=(V, E), with V the vertices and E edges. Right now I’m iterating over the mesh’s triangles, using the triangle index to access the vertices by their indices (id, id+1, id+2) and then I store the connectivity in an adjacency list. Is there any other (Potentially faster) way how I could convert my mesh into a graph representation?
I aim for large meshes, e.g. with > 1,000,000 edges. The access to mesh.vertices (I have to iterate at least once over this array seems slow) seems slow.
Here comes the code (Abridged version):
Vector3[] localVerts = mesh.vertices;
int[] localTris = mesh.triangles;
List<Edge> edges = new List<Edge>();
for (int i = 0; i < mesh.triangles.Length; i += 3)
int v1 = localVerts[localTris[i+0]];
int v2 = localVerts[localTris[i+1]];
int v3 = localVerts[localTris[i+2]];
edges.Add(new Edge(v1, v2));
edges.Add(new Edge(v2, v3));
edges.Add(new Edge(v3, v1));
edges.Add(new Edge(v2, v1));
edges.Add(new Edge(v3, v2));
edges.Add(new Edge(v1, v3));
return edges;
Edge is a small class and I read from the CLR that instantiation takes a few nanoseconds. However the loop is slow starting from Meshes with > 1 M edges. I know see the problem, I should move the mesh.triangles.Length out of the loop’s for-init statement, correct?
Like this:
int size = mesh.triangles.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i += 3)
/// copy old code here from above
Edit: To address your main question why I want to create the graph: I need the user to pick an arbitrary point on the mesh (This we implemented by touching the mesh with the Avatar’s index finger). Then I need to find the nearest neighbouring vertices connected to the user-selected vertex. The mesh is provided also by the user and is stored in .obj format, then imported into Unity, and then a vertex will be selected by the user to start the process. Therefore a graph algorithm seems best, because I need to make sure, the vertices are reachable via an edge and below a distance threshold.