Convert Enum to assigned int value

I am trying to pull a stored int out of an enum based on the enum

public enum HeartRates
    HEAVY_DAMAGE = 150,
    LIGHT_DAMAGE = 110,
    FULL = 90,

public void SetBPM(HeartRates rate)
        flatLine = false;

        //BeatsPerMinute = (int)rate;

In another Script:
    public void CaculateBPM()
        int health = agentInfo.agentStats.currentHealth;
        int maxHealth = agentInfo.agentStats.maxHealth;

        if (health > 0)
            float percentage = (4f / maxHealth) * health;

            int refNumber = Mathf.FloorToInt(percentage);

            //if at 100% health to enable last selection in the enum
            if(refNumber == 4)
                refNumber = 3;


if i remove the = something from the enum then i am able to log out the value of the enum eg passing 0 in will log out “HEAVY_DAMAGE”. However when i add the values to the enums i just get its position within the enum when i use debug.log(rate) or debug.log((int)rate) and not the assigned value. So Medium_Damage would log out 1 instead of 130. any ideas where im going wrong with this. all references i can find online suggest that doing (int)the_value should work fine.


One this line:


Your refNumber value needs to be one of the HeartRates values, but it’s not. The type cast doesn’t convert 1-4 into one of the valid enum values. If you want it to match up with the valid values (150, 130, etc.) you’ll have to pass that into your SetBPM method.