Convert from 2.6 to 1.5 (iPhone)

I have several projects started in Unity 2.5 and converted back to 1.5 for iPhone. I keep doing this to ensure my apps can run as a Widget or iPhone app. I load and save them with the new version 2.6, and now Im not able to load them back to 1.5 iPhone. What can I do?

I believe it's been mentioned on the Unity forum that Unity iPhone 1.6 will once again be compatible. I have the same problem, too, so I'm waiting for that release. Also on the forum, sounds like some people have obtained a 1.6 release candidate to avoid recent Apple rejections based on "undocumented" functions used in Unity iPhone 1.5. So if you have an iminent need, you can try contacting and see if you can early access to the next version of the next Unity iPhone.

Unity for iPhone 1.5.1 is currently in beta testing which we are told will give it the ability to read Unity 2.6 projects, and vice versa. Estimated release: this week (November 16-22).


Can I ask for clarification on this point? Is there full round trip compatibility or just ability to import projects? There are a number of features in the 2.6 editor I would like to use use, like:

  • snapping
  • animation events
  • profiler
  • slick new editor UI

Is it feasible to use the 2.6 editor for iterative development, and every once in a while launch over to the Unity iPhone 1.5.1 editor to build & test on iphone? Is it not advised to work this way? If the project format is fully compatible, then I should be able to alternately load 2.6 or 1.5.1 as I wish. But if my assets get re-imported every time, or if it's not really "round-trip" compatible, then I would steer clear. Thanks for your help

If you can not load it please uninstall it.