Convert from old KeyCode to the new Key enum?

Is it possible to convert a value of KeyCode to a value of Key? If not I can write a switch statement to do it manually, but something built in would be much preferred :slight_smile:


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Sorry for necroing this. I’ll leave my code here for future me to rediscover it.
Some keys are still missing and a lot of KeyCodes are simply not supported anymore:

public static Key KeyCodeToKey(KeyCode keyCode,
    Key unknownKey = Key.None,
    Key mouseKey = Key.None,
    Key joystickKey = Key.None)
    switch (keyCode)
        case KeyCode.None:              return Key.None;
        case KeyCode.Backspace:         return Key.Backspace;
        case KeyCode.Delete:            return Key.Delete;
        case KeyCode.Tab:               return Key.Tab;
        case KeyCode.Clear:             return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.Return:            return Key.Enter;
        case KeyCode.Pause:             return Key.Pause;
        case KeyCode.Escape:            return Key.Escape;
        case KeyCode.Space:             return Key.Space;
        case KeyCode.Keypad0:           return Key.Numpad0;
        case KeyCode.Keypad1:           return Key.Numpad1;
        case KeyCode.Keypad2:           return Key.Numpad2;
        case KeyCode.Keypad3:           return Key.Numpad3;
        case KeyCode.Keypad4:           return Key.Numpad4;
        case KeyCode.Keypad5:           return Key.Numpad5;
        case KeyCode.Keypad6:           return Key.Numpad6;
        case KeyCode.Keypad7:           return Key.Numpad7;
        case KeyCode.Keypad8:           return Key.Numpad8;
        case KeyCode.Keypad9:           return Key.Numpad9;
        case KeyCode.KeypadPeriod:      return Key.NumpadPeriod;
        case KeyCode.KeypadDivide:      return Key.NumpadDivide;
        case KeyCode.KeypadMultiply:    return Key.NumpadMultiply;
        case KeyCode.KeypadMinus:       return Key.NumpadMinus;
        case KeyCode.KeypadPlus:        return Key.NumpadPlus;
        case KeyCode.KeypadEnter:       return Key.NumpadEnter;
        case KeyCode.KeypadEquals:      return Key.NumpadEquals;
        case KeyCode.UpArrow:           return Key.UpArrow;
        case KeyCode.DownArrow:         return Key.DownArrow;
        case KeyCode.RightArrow:        return Key.RightArrow;
        case KeyCode.LeftArrow:         return Key.LeftArrow;
        case KeyCode.Insert:            return Key.Insert;
        case KeyCode.Home:              return Key.Home;
        case KeyCode.End:               return Key.End;
        case KeyCode.PageUp:            return Key.PageUp;
        case KeyCode.PageDown:          return Key.PageDown;
        case KeyCode.F1:                return Key.F1;
        case KeyCode.F2:                return Key.F2;
        case KeyCode.F3:                return Key.F3;
        case KeyCode.F4:                return Key.F4;
        case KeyCode.F5:                return Key.F5;
        case KeyCode.F6:                return Key.F6;
        case KeyCode.F7:                return Key.F7;
        case KeyCode.F8:                return Key.F8;
        case KeyCode.F9:                return Key.F9;
        case KeyCode.F10:               return Key.F10;
        case KeyCode.F11:               return Key.F11;
        case KeyCode.F12:               return Key.F12;
        case KeyCode.F13:               return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.F14:               return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.F15:               return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.Alpha0:            return Key.Digit0;
        case KeyCode.Alpha1:            return Key.Digit1;
        case KeyCode.Alpha2:            return Key.Digit2;
        case KeyCode.Alpha3:            return Key.Digit3;
        case KeyCode.Alpha4:            return Key.Digit4;
        case KeyCode.Alpha5:            return Key.Digit5;
        case KeyCode.Alpha6:            return Key.Digit6;
        case KeyCode.Alpha7:            return Key.Digit7;
        case KeyCode.Alpha8:            return Key.Digit8;
        case KeyCode.Alpha9:            return Key.Digit9;
        case KeyCode.Exclaim:           return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.DoubleQuote:       return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.Hash:              return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.Dollar:            return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.Percent:           return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.Ampersand:         return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.Quote:             return Key.Quote;
        case KeyCode.LeftParen:         return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.RightParen:        return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.Asterisk:          return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.Plus:              return Key.None; // TODO
        case KeyCode.Comma:             return Key.Comma;
        case KeyCode.Minus:             return Key.Minus;
        case KeyCode.Period:            return Key.Period;
        case KeyCode.Slash:             return Key.Slash;
        case KeyCode.Colon:             return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.Semicolon:         return Key.Semicolon;
        case KeyCode.Less:              return Key.None;
        case KeyCode.Equals:            return Key.Equals;
        case KeyCode.Greater:           return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.Question:          return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.At:                return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.LeftBracket:       return Key.LeftBracket;
        case KeyCode.Backslash:         return Key.Backslash;
        case KeyCode.RightBracket:      return Key.RightBracket;
        case KeyCode.Caret:             return Key.None; // TODO
        case KeyCode.Underscore:        return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.BackQuote:         return Key.Backquote;
        case KeyCode.A:                 return Key.A;
        case KeyCode.B:                 return Key.B;
        case KeyCode.C:                 return Key.C;
        case KeyCode.D:                 return Key.D;
        case KeyCode.E:                 return Key.E;
        case KeyCode.F:                 return Key.F;
        case KeyCode.G:                 return Key.G;
        case KeyCode.H:                 return Key.H;
        case KeyCode.I:                 return Key.I;
        case KeyCode.J:                 return Key.J;
        case KeyCode.K:                 return Key.K;
        case KeyCode.L:                 return Key.L;
        case KeyCode.M:                 return Key.M;
        case KeyCode.N:                 return Key.N;
        case KeyCode.O:                 return Key.O;
        case KeyCode.P:                 return Key.P;
        case KeyCode.Q:                 return Key.Q;
        case KeyCode.R:                 return Key.R;
        case KeyCode.S:                 return Key.S;
        case KeyCode.T:                 return Key.T;
        case KeyCode.U:                 return Key.U;
        case KeyCode.V:                 return Key.V;
        case KeyCode.W:                 return Key.W;
        case KeyCode.X:                 return Key.X;             
        case KeyCode.Y:                 return Key.Y;
        case KeyCode.Z:                 return Key.Z;
        case KeyCode.LeftCurlyBracket:  return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.Pipe:              return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.RightCurlyBracket: return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.Tilde:             return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.Numlock:           return Key.NumLock;
        case KeyCode.CapsLock:          return Key.CapsLock;
        case KeyCode.ScrollLock:        return Key.ScrollLock;
        case KeyCode.RightShift:        return Key.RightShift;
        case KeyCode.LeftShift:         return Key.LeftShift;
        case KeyCode.RightControl:      return Key.RightCtrl;
        case KeyCode.LeftControl:       return Key.LeftCtrl;
        case KeyCode.RightAlt:          return Key.RightAlt;
        case KeyCode.LeftAlt:           return Key.LeftAlt;
        case KeyCode.LeftCommand:       return Key.LeftCommand;
          // case KeyCode.LeftApple: (same as LeftCommand)
        case KeyCode.LeftWindows:       return Key.LeftWindows;
        case KeyCode.RightCommand:      return Key.RightCommand;
          // case KeyCode.RightApple: (same as RightCommand)
        case KeyCode.RightWindows:      return Key.RightWindows;
        case KeyCode.AltGr:             return Key.AltGr;
        case KeyCode.Help:              return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.Print:             return Key.PrintScreen;
        case KeyCode.SysReq:            return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.Break:             return unknownKey; // Conversion unknown.
        case KeyCode.Menu:              return Key.ContextMenu;
        case KeyCode.Mouse0:
        case KeyCode.Mouse1:
        case KeyCode.Mouse2:
        case KeyCode.Mouse3:
        case KeyCode.Mouse4:
        case KeyCode.Mouse5:
        case KeyCode.Mouse6:
            return mouseKey; // Not supported anymore.

        // All other keys are joystick keys which do not
        // exist anymore in the new input system.
            return joystickKey; // Not supported anymore.
public static KeyCode KeyToKeyCode(Key key, KeyCode unknownKey = KeyCode.None)
    switch (key)
        case Key.None:              return KeyCode.None;
        case Key.Space:             return KeyCode.Space;
        case Key.Enter:             return KeyCode.Return;
        case Key.Tab:               return KeyCode.Tab;
        case Key.Backquote:         return KeyCode.BackQuote;
        case Key.Quote:             return KeyCode.Quote;
        case Key.Semicolon:         return KeyCode.Semicolon;
        case Key.Comma:             return KeyCode.Comma;
        case Key.Period:            return KeyCode.Period;
        case Key.Slash:             return KeyCode.Slash;
        case Key.Backslash:         return KeyCode.Backslash;
        case Key.LeftBracket:       return KeyCode.LeftBracket;
        case Key.RightBracket:      return KeyCode.RightBracket;
        case Key.Minus:             return KeyCode.Minus;
        case Key.Equals:            return KeyCode.Equals;
        case Key.A:                 return KeyCode.A;
        case Key.B:                 return KeyCode.B;
        case Key.C:                 return KeyCode.C;
        case Key.D:                 return KeyCode.D;
        case Key.E:                 return KeyCode.E;
        case Key.F:                 return KeyCode.F;
        case Key.G:                 return KeyCode.G;
        case Key.H:                 return KeyCode.H;
        case Key.I:                 return KeyCode.I;
        case Key.J:                 return KeyCode.J;
        case Key.K:                 return KeyCode.K;
        case Key.L:                 return KeyCode.L;
        case Key.M:                 return KeyCode.M;
        case Key.N:                 return KeyCode.N;
        case Key.O:                 return KeyCode.O;
        case Key.P:                 return KeyCode.P;
        case Key.Q:                 return KeyCode.Q;
        case Key.R:                 return KeyCode.R;
        case Key.S:                 return KeyCode.S;
        case Key.T:                 return KeyCode.T;
        case Key.U:                 return KeyCode.U;
        case Key.V:                 return KeyCode.V;
        case Key.W:                 return KeyCode.W;
        case Key.X:                 return KeyCode.X;
        case Key.Y:                 return KeyCode.Y;
        case Key.Z:                 return KeyCode.Z;
        case Key.Digit1:            return KeyCode.Alpha1;
        case Key.Digit2:            return KeyCode.Alpha2;
        case Key.Digit3:            return KeyCode.Alpha3;
        case Key.Digit4:            return KeyCode.Alpha4;
        case Key.Digit5:            return KeyCode.Alpha5;
        case Key.Digit6:            return KeyCode.Alpha6;
        case Key.Digit7:            return KeyCode.Alpha7;
        case Key.Digit8:            return KeyCode.Alpha8;
        case Key.Digit9:            return KeyCode.Alpha9;
        case Key.Digit0:            return KeyCode.Alpha0;
        case Key.LeftShift:         return KeyCode.LeftShift;
        case Key.RightShift:        return KeyCode.RightShift;
        case Key.LeftAlt:           return KeyCode.LeftAlt;
        case Key.RightAlt:          return KeyCode.RightAlt;
        case Key.LeftCtrl:          return KeyCode.LeftControl;
        case Key.RightCtrl:         return KeyCode.RightControl;
        case Key.LeftCommand:       return KeyCode.LeftCommand;
        case Key.RightCommand:      return KeyCode.RightCommand;
        case Key.ContextMenu:
            return unknownKey;
        case Key.Escape:            return KeyCode.Escape;
        case Key.LeftArrow:         return KeyCode.LeftArrow;
        case Key.RightArrow:        return KeyCode.RightArrow;
        case Key.UpArrow:           return KeyCode.UpArrow;
        case Key.DownArrow:         return KeyCode.DownArrow;
        case Key.Backspace:         return KeyCode.Backspace;
        case Key.PageDown:          return KeyCode.PageDown;
        case Key.PageUp:            return KeyCode.PageUp;
        case Key.Home:              return KeyCode.Home;
        case Key.End:               return KeyCode.End;
        case Key.Insert:            return KeyCode.Insert;
        case Key.Delete:            return KeyCode.Delete;
        case Key.CapsLock:          return KeyCode.CapsLock;
        case Key.NumLock:           return KeyCode.Numlock;
        case Key.PrintScreen:       return KeyCode.Print;
        case Key.ScrollLock:        return KeyCode.ScrollLock;
        case Key.Pause:             return KeyCode.Pause;
        case Key.NumpadEnter:       return KeyCode.KeypadEnter;
        case Key.NumpadDivide:      return KeyCode.KeypadDivide;
        case Key.NumpadMultiply:    return KeyCode.KeypadMultiply;
        case Key.NumpadPlus:        return KeyCode.KeypadPlus;
        case Key.NumpadMinus:       return KeyCode.KeypadMinus;
        case Key.NumpadPeriod:      return KeyCode.KeypadPeriod;
        case Key.NumpadEquals:      return KeyCode.KeypadEquals;
        case Key.Numpad0:           return KeyCode.Keypad0;
        case Key.Numpad1:           return KeyCode.Keypad1;
        case Key.Numpad2:           return KeyCode.Keypad2;
        case Key.Numpad3:           return KeyCode.Keypad3;
        case Key.Numpad4:           return KeyCode.Keypad4;
        case Key.Numpad5:           return KeyCode.Keypad5;
        case Key.Numpad6:           return KeyCode.Keypad6;
        case Key.Numpad7:           return KeyCode.Keypad7;
        case Key.Numpad8:           return KeyCode.Keypad8;
        case Key.Numpad9:           return KeyCode.Keypad9;
        case Key.F1:                return KeyCode.F1;
        case Key.F2:                return KeyCode.F2;
        case Key.F3:                return KeyCode.F3;
        case Key.F4:                return KeyCode.F4;
        case Key.F5:                return KeyCode.F5;
        case Key.F6:                return KeyCode.F6;
        case Key.F7:                return KeyCode.F7;
        case Key.F8:                return KeyCode.F8;
        case Key.F9:                return KeyCode.F9;
        case Key.F10:               return KeyCode.F10;
        case Key.F11:               return KeyCode.F11;
        case Key.F12:               return KeyCode.F12;
        case Key.OEM1:
            return unknownKey;
        case Key.OEM2:
            return unknownKey;
        case Key.OEM3:
            return unknownKey;
        case Key.OEM4:
            return unknownKey;
        case Key.OEM5:
            return unknownKey;
        case Key.IMESelected:
            return unknownKey;
            return unknownKey;
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Test your two function with this code :

public void DoTest()
foreach(Key key in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Key)))
KeyCode keyKode = KeyToKeyCode(key);
Key tmpKey = KeyCodeToKey(keyKode);

if (tmpKey != key)
Debug.Log($β€œError : {key}”);

And got only these error :
Error : ContextMenu
Error : OEM1
Error : OEM2
Error : OEM3
Error : OEM4
Error : OEM5
Error : IMESelected

Yes, that is to be exected since not all old key codes have a match in the new key code and also the other way around. If you look at the methods then you will see it returns KeyCode.None for those. Iirc I did not have time to dig around for those keys. Maybe they are hidden somewhere, not sure. If you need them you oughta do some digging yourself.

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