Hi, i was wondering how to convert this Json string to C sharp values. so i can do something like this Values.StructValues.formattedPrice and it would return the price
//i've made these structs
public struct StructValues
public string formattedPrice {get;set;}
public string name {get;set;}
public string productId {get;set;}
public string productType {get;set;}
public struct Values
public string Key {get;set;}
public StructValues Value;
A json file is nothing more than a string. So you can isolate the part of the file you need and parse it into the type you need.
float GetFloatFromJson(string jsonFile, string key, bool frontToken) // key is the term we are after
offset = frontToken ? 5 : 4; // This is to remove the ": "£ before the value, it could be 6
// If there is no front token then pass on false
int index = jsonFile.IndexOf(key)key.Length + offset; // At this point index should point to the first digit of the value
string price = jsonFile.Substring(index);// Remove anything before the first digit
int quotation = price.IndexOf("\""); // Look for first "
price = price.Substring(0, quotation); // Isolate the digits
float f = -1;
f = float.Parse(price); // Parse to float
// maybe here add some extra info to the user
f = -1;
return f;
Note that I have not tried this so you could try and see if it goes.