I have a ready-to-use non-VR game but I want to transform it to a VR game. Is there a way to do it ? If yes, what are the steps ?
I found no answers on Google. Please help :(.
Thanks in advance
I have a ready-to-use non-VR game but I want to transform it to a VR game. Is there a way to do it ? If yes, what are the steps ?
I found no answers on Google. Please help :(.
Thanks in advance
What kind of headset are you using? If it’s the HTC Vive you’ll need to get a Steam Account, install the runtime on your machine, then go into Unity and download the SteamVR camera rig from the Asset Store (I think it’s free) and attach it to your existing camera. In the end you’ll want to disable your in-game camera in favor of the new one. It’ll be tricky since the exact configuration of where you start depends on the setup of your light-houses.
If you’re using the Oculus it’s a little simpler. You shouldn’t need a special camera rig, it should really come more down to having VR Enabled box checked in your Player Settings.
Then there’s creative, which is really all on you. You may find that the game that worked really well with a normal camera doesn’t work so well with a VR headset simply because of how it’s laid out. You may need to rearrange some things.
Thanks so much @smashillustrations that is the answer I was looking for. Thanks again.
PS. I am using Oculus…