I want to apply sprites onto quads and I learnt that you have to convert them to materials first before applying them to quads.
However, I get my sprites from a spritemap I sliced up. I intended to make a like a tilemap for a tactics game but with the terrain built by quads instead. I did not expect that quads couldn’t accept sprites as textures.
Do I have to instead make 1 sprite one at a time, and make a material for each one?
Is there a way to apply sprites onto quads (Just drop it into the albedo map - oops)
If no, is there an automated way to convert sprites into materials
Can I convert a sliced sprite into multiple materials?
Edit I am unable to have a sprite renderer and a mesh renderer at the same time. I assume I must
Import sprites as textures instead
Apply textures onto materials one at a time, or programatically
Apply these materials onto the mesh renderer.
There is a sprite editor that nicely lets me e.g. split a jpg into 64 smaller sprites and they are cleanly displayed as a single spritemap object. If it were simply sprites on sprite renderers, it would be so simple… Is there any way for textures/materials to be this way too?
I could: Have a ‘master’ material object and foldered within, many materials OR
The same ‘master’ but for textures and then i programmatically assign them to my quads at runtime.
You can set the mesh type to Full Rect in the Texture Importer settings. This will generate a quad mesh and “place the Sprite” on top of it. Isn’t this what you want?
For clarification since Kurt’s and Ted’s replies sound contradicting regarding “meshes”:
The asset type Mesh in Unity refers to a 3D polygon net which can directly be used alongside a material in a meshfilter and meshrenderer to render it.
Sprites have a “mesh” in a more generalized sense. It’s also a polygon net but it technically is internal data of the sprite. That mesh cannot be used by a mesh renderer but only by a sprite renderer (which as its core does technically render that mesh very similarly).