Convert to .tiff, with fbx export, removes the alpha channel?


Im using the FBX exporter in 3ds max 2010 32bit (older 2009 version) and I convert my original textures into .tiffs from psd's (it lowers overall size of original assets in the project) using the built-in option.

However, the alpha channel is removed from the texture when I do it.

Is that normal? Does the fbx format supports alpha channel when converting to .tiff or has this been corrected in the 2010/2011 versions? (I searched but couldnt find anything about it)

By the way, I do know Unity supports .psd's but I'm trying to keep my asset folder clean and optimized, something that .tiff's do well compared to a bloated psd's even flattened. (Did the test, my .fbx file went from 248mb to 150mb for the same assets/quality... missing channel might be for part of it but certainly not >40%)

FBX export does nothing to your TIFF images. Most likely you are confusing the shader material used in 3ds Max with a texture. Once you have the FBX mesh inside Unity, you would apply the TIFF map as a texture, thus creating a material/ If the image has an alpha channel it will still be there.

Click the image in the Project panel and look at its' properties in the Inspector panel. It should be an RBGA DXT5 if not then it either didn't have an Alpha channel or make sure that the "Texture Format" setting for import of that image is set to a format that preserves RGBA.

Hope this helps


If you are using the older FBX exporter 2006.8 and choose the 'Convert to portable (TIFF)" option then yes indeed it destroys the Alpha channel. I suggest clicking the 'Check for web updates" and get the 2006.11 FBX version for Max 9 or 2011.1 if you are on Max 2010 or 2011.

Important: when you export using the newer FBX build, make sure to choose Version: FBX 2010 or 2009 or 2006 in the FBX File Format area (at the bottom of the export panel) as Unity doesn't support the new 2011 FBX version as yet.

The newer FBX exporter will keep your files as PSD as the option has now been changed to simply "Embed Media: yes/no"