converted array item to string returns "s,tri,ng" with commas?

Im trying to make an inventory. Everything works perfectly except for one thing, when scrolling between items i noticed all “strings” listed are seperated like this: (m,e,yo,u,h,er,hi,m). I dont want commas at all… can anyone see why this random comma appears to be seperating my strings? i use Unityscript / Javascript.

var itembagCursor : int = 0;
var itembagCursorMax : int = 0;
var selectedItem;
var selecteditemname;

function Start(){

    Master.itembag.AddRange(Array("potion","shard","antidote")); //add item to inventory
	itembagCursorMax = itembagCursorMax + 2;
    Master.inventory.AddRange(Array("key","key","ammo","ammo")); //add multiple items

    Master.inventory.Sort(); //sort inventory

    Master.inventory.Remove("ammo"); //remove first instance of item


function Update(){
selectedItem = Array(Master.itembag[itembagCursor]).ToString();
		itembagCursor = itembagCursor - 1;
		itembagCursor = itembagCursor + 1;
	if(itembagCursor > itembagCursorMax){
		itembagCursor = 0;
	if(itembagCursor < 0){
		itembagCursor = itembagCursorMax;

function OnGUI(){
    GUI.Label(Rect(0,0,400,50), "Inventory: " + Array(Master.inventory)); //display inventory by converting it to an array
	GUI.Label(Rect(Screen.width/2 - 200,Screen.height - 50,400,50),selectedItem);

This makes no sense:

selectedItem = Array(Master.itembag[itembagCursor]).ToString();

Your items are strings, you create a new array from your selected string which will split the string into characters.

selectedItem = Master.itembag[itembagCursor];

btw you use a lot untyped variables as well as the slow Array class. You should specify a type for each variable and better use a generic List. Can’t go more in detail at the moment.