Converting a normal map from object space to tangent space in Shader Graph


I’m working on a game using camera mapping: my textures are pre-computed renders made with an external renderer, projected from the point of view on 3D meshes in Unity.
But I have a problem to replace the normals. Before switching to HDRP, I was working with the deferred renderer, using the GBufffer to replace the world space normals with my pre-computed world space normal map. As I can’t do this with HDRP, I’m trying to find another solution. I’m using a custom version of the HDRP lit material.

First, I tried to convert my normal map from world space to tangent space in shader graph (because the HDRP lit material wants tangent space normals), it was not a success.
Then, I tried to make a different baking for my normal map, to use the object space. Tested on the HDRP lit material with OS normals option, it works perfectly.
Now I would like to make it works with my custom HDRP lit material, but I can’t find the way to transform my OS normal map to TS, and the Lit Master shader doesn’t have an option to change the normal input type to OS.

So, is it possible to convert a world space normal map to tangent space with shader graph? And if it’s not, how could I convert an object space normal map to tangent space?

I already tried the Transform node, with no result…:frowning: I’m quite new to shader creation, any help would be welcome!


The transform node should work perfectly fine. Also the Shader Graph subforum is this way => Unity Engine - Unity Discussions