Converting a World Space Sphere to a Screen Space Circle

I have a sphere in the scene with position P_world and radius R_world.
I want to be able to create a circle with position P_screen and radius R_screen.
This is for a gameplay purpose like creating a 2D circle collider that matches the sphere.

What I did so far:
I know that I can convert P_world to screen space via Camera.WorldToScreenPoint.
I don’t know the math to convert a “World Space Length” into a “Screen Space Length”.
My best guess here is to do something where I find how far the sphere is away from the camera, use it as some ratio to scale down the radius?

You’re describing a circle along a round cone, where the cone’s point is at the camera A, and the cone touches the sphere of radius RS. This circle has a calculated radius RC and its distance from the camera is calculated as H.

I found the thread below with the formulas you’d need to calculate RC and distance H.

Once you have RC at distance H representing a sphere RS at distance D, you can calculate any other radius at any other distance, as they scale proportionally.

A projected sphere is an ellipse, not a disk.
If you are fine with conservative bounds, you can use its 2d polyhedral bounds as described in this paper by Michael Mara and Morgan McGuire:

I didn’t even think about that.

So currently I am using a Perspective camera which would be A in the diagram. It creates a view fulcrum and the near plane of that view fulcrum is a plane somewhere along V. If I bring h to the distance between A and the near plane, I should be able to find rc which would be the radius of my circle.

The only thing I’m not too clear about and maybe this is because I wasn’t very clear in my question is… once I get rc wouldn’t that be all in world units? I want to do some screen space manipulations with it and also have it interact with GUI elements. This would mean I would need them to be calculated in pixels? Is there some way to convert this into pixels?

That makes sense and an exaggerated FOV makes it very obvious.

Thanks for the paper, I’ll check it out and see if the conservative bounds fit my needs.