Hello, I’m trying to modify a mobile game to play on WebGL/Browser, But all the levels, Audio, and Music are compressed into AssetBundles, Loading the levels whenever the game needs them. Unfortunately, I get this error because of it (im assuming it has been compressed with LZMA.)

I’ve tried using AssetBundle.RecompressAssetBundleAsync to Recompress the AssetBundles to LZ4 as they are loaded (which I may have done wrong, I think I did it right but I’ve really never used AssetBundles before so my apologies.) And it still gives the errors regardless.
Is there maybe a way to take these AssetBundles and convert their compression to LZ4?
They are in .unity3d file type.
Thank you!
Hey HoveringHexagons!
The LZMA compression type isn’t available on the WebGL platform.
That said, based upon what you’ve highlighted in your post, I take it you’d like to take mobile-platform bundles and then re-deploy them on WebGL?
If so, you can’t actually do that. Bundles are built with platform-specific content (texture formats etc), so your best course of action is to go back to Unity and then build them for the specific WebGL platform.
Thank you! Is there a way I could take extract the contents from the bundles/ unbundle them so I can build them for WebGL? I have these .unity3d files which I assume are the bundles, but I do not have the unbundled files that were used to build the mobile bundle.