I have been trying to convert this over to C# for a few days now with no luck could some one please help me.
var target : GameObject;
var LR : LineRenderer;
var arcLength = 2.0;
var arcVariation = 2.0;
var inaccuracy = 1.0;
function Update() {
var lastPoint = transform.position;
var i = 1;
LR.SetPosition(0, transform.position);//make the origin of the LR the same as the transform
while (Vector3.Distance(target.transform.position, lastPoint) >.5) {//was the last arc not touching the target?
LR.SetVertexCount(i + 1);//then we need a new vertex in our line renderer
var fwd = target.transform.position - lastPoint;//gives the direction to our target from the end of the last arc
fwd.Normalize();//makes the direction to scale
fwd = Randomize(fwd, inaccuracy);//we don't want a straight line to the target though
fwd *= Random.Range(arcLength * arcVariation, arcLength);//nature is never too uniform
fwd += lastPoint;//point + distance * direction = new point. this is where our new arc ends
LR.SetPosition(i, fwd);//this tells the line renderer where to draw to
lastPoint = fwd;//so we know where we are starting from for the next arc
function Randomize (v3 : Vector3, inaccuracy2 : float) {
v3 += Vector3(Random.Range(-1.0, 1.0), Random.Range(-1.0, 1.0), Random.Range(-1.0, 1.0)) * inaccuracy2;
return v3;