Converting transform position and size (sprite) to canvas (image)

Hi everyone. I have been working on a save and load system, where i want the user to be able to see a preview of the level that they have created. I know the positions of the items that they have placed (in world space coordinates) and i have the sprites that they have placed (a tree, a rock etc).

The problem is that i want to convert the world space coordinate of an item to screen space so that it fits relative into a small box by 16:9 (these are the image containers that will contain all the gameobjects as images). By doing this i am recreating the level (somewhat) as images inside of a canvas. I have tried many different things, but no matter what i do it seems like either the scaling of the images are off (too big or small relative to the world space item) or the position is somewhat off. Has anyone ever done something like this before?

The code below is what i have tried, but it only seems to be perfect sizing when playing on a 16:9 aspect ratio. Could this have something to do with orthographic size? (3.5 right now). My reference resolution is 780 x 360 - Screen Match Mode: Expand

for (int i = 0; i < worldSpaceObjects.Count; i++)
            Image image = Instantiate(_loadItemPrefab,, Quaternion.identity, _loadImageBackground);
            image.sprite = _sandboxLevelData.ItemsDB[worldSpaceObjects[i].ID].Icon;
            RectTransform rectTransform = image.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
            Vector2 screenPoint = RectTransformUtility.WorldToScreenPoint(Camera.main, worldSpaceObjects[i].Position);
            rectTransform.anchoredPosition = _loadTestCanvas.InverseTransformPoint(screenPoint);
            rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(image.sprite.rect.width / _loadTestCanvas.localScale.x, image.sprite.rect.height / _loadTestCanvas.localScale.x);
            rectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(rectTransform.anchoredPosition.x, rectTransform.anchoredPosition.y + rectTransform.rect.height / 2);

The image below shows what im trying to acomplish

This is going to be very hard. Everything to do with RectTransform is very tricky to understand and intimately tied to the Canvas, its RenderMode, the CanvasScaler and its scaling mode.

Any mismatch and all the numbers become irrelevant.

Why not just take a small thumbnail screenshot image of the level and save that as a JPG/PNG file? You can snapshot anything you like with a RenderTexture.

The reason i have been hesitant about screenshotting is the fact that player data will be synced using iCloud, which means if a user deletes the app from his/hers phone and reinstalls the game, all the player data such as level progression and their custom levels are still there (due to it being stored in iCloud), but the snapshots/screenshots that are supposed to show the user a preview of the level they have created are gone (since the images are saved locally on the device - and i guess it will take a lot of space to store them as text files in iCloud?), but after having used two days trying various things i might just go this route with screenshotting rather than recreating the snapshot in code