Convince Meta Quest to Connect to a Local-Only Network

Hello all,

I am developing a VR product that needs to communicate over a local-only wifi network. Until somewhat recently, I had experienced some issues with convincing the Meta Quest 2 to automatically connect to this network while other networks were available, but now it has stopped entirely, forcing the end user to manually re-enable the prescribed network.

It appears that access to network settings on Android has been largely gutted, but I was still able to access the “reportNetworkConnectivity” function and attempted to use this to convince the Quest that it was okay to connect to the network, but with no luck. Further, “getActiveNetwork” returns null, meaning that either there is no default network or that it is currently blocked.

The network shows up in the WiFi list as “Saved / Won’t Automatically Connect”. Auto-Connect is enabled.

I’m wondering what lengths I’m going to need to go to in order to maintain connection to this network over device restarts - does anyone have any ideas about how to get around this?

Thank you for your consideration.