copied Avatar Rig Configuration mis-match. Transform hierarchy does not match:

Hello, I am using 2 animations I got from mixamo, one is for idle, and the other one are for holding guns. I am not really familiar with the animations in unity, so i might not be describing this properly. The gun animations I am using ‘copy from another avatar’ and it was working fine. However I wanted to create a new animation from it with a bone slightly move, so I imported into blender, edited it and now when I try and import it into unity, i get the above error. I believe this is because when it is set to humanoid and avatar definition is set to copy from another avatar, a part of it gets renamed to armature, when it should be mixamorig:Hips . I cant find anyway to fix this, I cant rename it in unity, and try exporting it numerous times in blender using different methods, but nothing is working. Does anyone know of a way I can fix this?

Just adding an edit, I have discovered more of what the problem is. Blender seems to add a extra node or something, called amarture, so when unity is looking for the hip bone it instead finds the armature. Still no idea how to fix it though

Hey, I found something interesting.
In the blender addon: better fbx exporter, you have settings to remove the “empty” armatures.
Good luck!

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@WanderingCreep Did you solve this? I had to edit a mixamo animation slightly and can’t get it to properly export/import from blender to unity… curious if the better fbx exporter worked or did you find a different solution?

FYI to anyone finding this in the future. This Better FBX Importer/Exporter blender add-on did solve this issue.

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I know this is an old thread… Refreshing it as i see the error in latest 3.5 blender…
In blender, I renamed the “hip” bone to “Hip”, and that error went away. But the next bone gives error, even after renaming…

Rig Error: Copied Avatar Rig Configuration mis-match. Transform hierarchy does not match:
Transform ‘LeftUpperLeg’ for human bone ‘LeftUpperLeg’ not found

Any pointers?

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Same for me. I’m using a character model with walking animation. Everything works fine. I set up an avatar, all nodes are green. But when I import an animation from mixamo and use “Copy From Other Avatar” where I put my avatar it says

File ‘X Bot@Stand Up’ copied Avatar Rig Configuration mis-match. Transform hierarchy does not match:
Transform ‘CATPelvis’ for human bone ‘Hips’ not found

Here’s what worked for me. When importing the animation in the Rig section, you can select “Create From This Model”. Then you can just drag this animation into the Animator tab (where other animations are as States). This is sufficient for the animation to work on another avatar as well.


Yup that worked for me!

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The plugin called FBX @ A-Ribeiro solved the problem. Its free and available on github

So I got the error [quote]
File ‘My_Character Running’ copied Avatar Rig Configuration mis-match. Transform hierarchy does not match:
Parent for ‘mixamorig:Hips’ differs from one found in HumanDescription. ‘My_Character Running’ was found instead of ‘Armature_Main’.
Yes, this (what jayb7 said) worked for me as well, but it seems more like a hack than a fix. In preview mode the animation teleports to world 0,0,0, unless I uncheck “Apply root motion”, but then the transform stays in position, and doesn’t move at all. I am new to 3D, is this normal behavior for all 3D animations? Besides it seems like creating all those additional avatars will have an impact?

Another solution was to change the “My_Character Running”/Root/Parent gameobject name to “Armature_Main”, after moving it to a sperate folder by animation name. This fixed the issue without me having to create a new armature.

copied Avatar Rig Configuration mis-match in blender to unity is there any solution.

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I switched to use Maya to export fbx file without that “armature” node