I was recently tasked with a similar problem here and I must say that I do agree that it probably isn’t great practice to create things dynamically that are so important. It gets really hard to debug the problem when everything has been dynamically created. Imagine a confused developer on your team spending hours trying to find a prefab that was spawned in when it really doesn’t exist in the first place?
I solved this problem by thinking about it differently. Instead of copying components during run-time, I decided to think about syncing my prefabs that will be spawned in at editor time so that they have essentially identical components. Using this mindset, I was able to create a “template” prefab that houses all my components that I want and then I created a unity “AssetModificationProcessor” that sniffed for my template to be modified and saved. Once it is saved, I scrape up all the prefabs that I want to sync to it and just add all my components and use “UnityEditor.EditorUtility.CopySerialized” to copy data from the template component to the new or existing component.
This basically means that every time another developer on my team modifies the template, all the components on the template will then be copied over to my player prefabs while in-editor.
This allows me to define the set of components one time and mirror that into multiple prefabs at editor time so that my objects all spawn with identical components at runtime :).
Here is an adaptation of my script for reference (note that the paths don’t map to real things. You would have to change the prefab/asset paths in your environment to see this work):
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.VersionControl;
using UnityEngine;
public class FileModificationWarning : UnityEditor.AssetModificationProcessor
static string[] OnWillSaveAssets(string[] paths)
List<string> pathsToSave = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < paths.Length; i++)
// ZAS: we only care about our special prefab. Not anything else
if (paths*.Contains("Prefabs/VisualEffects"))*
var visualEffectsPrefab = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(paths*);*
if (visualEffectsPrefab != null)
SynchronizeVisualEffectsToPlayerPrefabs(visualEffectsPrefab as GameObject, pathsToSave);
Debug.LogErrorFormat(“Failed to load visual effects prefab at path {0}”, paths*);*
return pathsToSave.ToArray();
private static void SynchronizeVisualEffectsToPlayerPrefabs(GameObject visualEffectsPrefab, List pathsToSave)
List errors = new List();
if (SychronizePlayerEyeWithVisualEffectPrefab(“PlayerA”, visualEffectsPrefab, errors)) { pathsToSave.Add(“PlayerA”); }
if (SychronizePlayerEyeWithVisualEffectPrefab(“PlayerB”, visualEffectsPrefab, errors)) { pathsToSave.Add(“PlayerB”); }
if (SychronizePlayerEyeWithVisualEffectPrefab(“PlayerC”, visualEffectsPrefab, errors)) { pathsToSave.Add(“PlayerC”); }
if (SychronizePlayerEyeWithVisualEffectPrefab(“PlayerD”, visualEffectsPrefab, errors)) { pathsToSave.Add(“PlayerD”); }
if (errors.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < errors.Count; i++)
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(“Sync Error”, errors*, “Ok”);*
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(“Sync visual changes to prefabs”, “All player prefabs were modified because a change to the visual asset prefab was detected. Remember to check in the player prefabs!”, “Ok!”);
private static bool SychronizePlayerEyeWithVisualEffectPrefab(string playerPrefabPath, GameObject visualEffectsPrefab, List errors)
var potentialPlayerPrefab = Resources.Load(playerPrefabPath) as GameObject;
if (potentialPlayerPrefab == null)
errors.Add(string.Format(“{0}: Failed to load prefab”, playerPrefabPath));
return false;
// ZAS: if you use version control then we need to check out the file we are changing first
if (Provider.hasCheckoutSupport)
Provider.Checkout(potentialPlayerPrefab, CheckoutMode.Asset);
// ZAS: get all components so we can iterate through and copy each one
var components = visualEffectsPrefab.GetComponentsInChildren(true);
for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++)
// ZAS: everything has a transform on it. If you want to sync this then just remove this statement and let it pull the serialized data 
if (components is Transform)
// ZAS: lets find the component first and just use that if we find it
var foundComponents = potentialPlayerPrefab.GetComponentsInChildren(components*.GetType(), true);*
Component existingComponent = null;
if(foundComponents.Length > 0)
existingComponent = foundComponents[0];
// ZAS: remove other instances to make sure there is only one!
if(foundComponents.Length > 1)
for (int j = 1; j < foundComponents.Length; j++)
Component.DestroyImmediate(foundComponents[j], true);
// ZAS: did not find a component… time to add a new one!
if (existingComponent == null)
existingComponent = potentialPlayerPrefab.AddComponent(components*.GetType());*
// ZAS: copy the serialied data over from our template to our new or existing component (this is where all serialized fields are synchronized)
EditorUtility.CopySerialized(components*, existingComponent);*
// ZAS: we want to make sure that our changes cause the assets to be marked for saving
return true;
Just thought I would drop by and share