I open 2 animation character ( run (0-20), attack(0-20) ) on 2 maya windows . I want copy RUN curve (graph editor) Ctrl+C , and paste into Attack curve ( frame : 20 ) = total 40 frames (run+attack) . But i dont know it dont work.
I open 2 animation character ( run (0-20), attack(0-20) ) on 2 maya windows . I want copy RUN curve (graph editor) Ctrl+C , and paste into Attack curve ( frame : 20 ) = total 40 frames (run+attack) . But i dont know it dont work.
In the Graph Editor manu, chose Edit–paste option box, in the option box ,check Help images,
then you can chose the paste methods base on the help images.
you cannot copy paste between different maya instances. rather open your scene and import the second scene. copy paste will work in that case