Copy of GameObject gets destroyed instead of GameObject itself

Hey guys.
I have a little problem which i cant really get behind even though its probably not a hard one. I have two walls (one is a copy) and if i damage the original one, the damage gets inflicted onto the copy and then ,after it recieves enough damage, the copy gets destroyed, even though i tried to damage the original.
Heres a video of that happening: The Video

Anyway I have a “ObjectHealth” Script which is basically a very simple and normal health script with a certain life value which can get reduced and if reached zero the gameObject gets destroyed.
Heres the Code:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class ObjectHealth : MonoBehaviour
    public float maxHealth = 200f;
    public float currentHealth;
    public GameObject deathEffectOne;
    public bool isDead = false;
    public GameObject objectLOL;

    void Start()
        currentHealth = maxHealth;

    public void TakeDamage(float amount)
        currentHealth = currentHealth - amount;

        if (currentHealth <= 0)

    void Die()
        isDead = true;

    public void DeathEffect(GameObject deathEffect)
        Instantiate(deathEffect, transform.position, transform.rotation);

Would be nice if anyone could help :slight_smile:

[Updated Answer]
Hey there,

You should get the reference to the Wall ObjectHealth script from the Object you collided with:

     private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
              if (collision.tag == "Wall")
                  Instantiate(wallImpactEffect, transform.position, transform.rotation);
     ObjectHealth otherObjectHealth = collision.gameObject.GetComponent<ObjectHealth>();
                  Destroy(gameObject); //Thats for the bullet itself

This following part is problematic because you have multiple objects with tag “wall” and call a function which only returns you one instance:

    private ObjectHealth oH;
         void Start()
             oH = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Wall").GetComponent<ObjectHealth>();

Here is another answer that explains how to get a script from the gameobject you collided with:

Hard to say. I’d say that most likely the problem lies on how you create the copy.

It might be that it is a reference and hence goes back to the original object instead.

Are you familiar with the concept of reference vs value in C#? That’s what I would look into. I’m not in unity right now but ai believe you can probably use « .clone » to create a new value of your wall.