Copy-Paste or Duplicating nodes will not copy literal values

Hello, dear Unity Developers!

I noticed that when I copy-paste a node or nodes, the literals (values that are not being assigned to a variable) disappear, but the variables remain.

Here is an example of what I want to copy-paste or duplicate:

Here is the result of copy-paste or duplicate:

As you can see, the Animator is duplicated normally, but the literal (IsIdle) is not.
Sometimes I need to duplicate a huge graph into another graph and setting of new literal values takes a lot of time.

I would be very happy if you decide to fix it :slight_smile:

Platform: Windows 10
Behavior Version: 1.0.7
Unity Version: 6000.0.25f1

Thank you!

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It looks like we have a bug open for this and it’s assigned to one of our team. I can’t promise when it will be shipped but we’re on it.

Thanks for the report.


Yes! @LauraRantonen is working on it, but she’s off for a few days. We’re hopefully it’ll be ready for next week but it might be the release after.