copy pasting keys in timeline?

in maya if you want to copy paste keys you select a range and press ctrl+C then move the timeline and press ctrl+v
this is good when you want to do a cycle or a quick library of poses.
is there such facility in timeline? when i do ctrl+c, ctrl+v it pases the track, edit keys edits the value and the context menu of a selection has no copy paste

No … however double click the track and the animation clip will open in the animation window, which has a much better suite of editing tools.

The AnimationWindow will maintain a link to timeline, and the edits will be shown as if they were made in the timeline window itself.

ok I’ll dock the animation windows.

It’s very non unity to show a a gizmo (the keyframe) but not allow to do operations on them.
Any plan to smooth that kink?

Nothing definitive that I’m aware of. It has come up quite a few times, and at one point there was even a small prototype. Something we should definitely do, it just hasn’t bubbled up to the surface.

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a prototype sounds promissing, any way I can get my hand on that?
today the animation view lost sync and … welll have a look

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