Copy the values of a class instance to another instance of the same class

Hi. I need to copy the values of a class instance to another instance of that same class. I want to do something like:

MyClass class1;
MyClass class2;

class1.x = 1;
class1.y = 2;

class2 = class1; // The problem here is that class1 is passed by reference

I was hoping that after assigning class1 to class2, I can get class2’s x and y fields to have 1 and 2 respectively. So basically, I want to pass a class by value.


Typically, you’ll either want to do a ‘shallow copy’ or a ‘deep copy’ when copying fields from one instance of a class to another instance of the same class type.

A shallow copy is when say class1 and class2 share the same memory address, so whatever you change on one object will change on the other.

What you’re probably looking for is a deep copy, where the fields are ACTUALLY copied / cloned to the destination instance. Since this isn’t really Unity specific, you should try and access the wealth of knowledge that the MSDN and similar communities have to offer:

Cloning Objects in C#:

Another route you could take is using .NET Reflection, which is a bit more complicated but will get the job done just as well.

Depending on the members you have, if you only have a couple of variables, you could use a struct instead. In C#, structures are passed by value.

Other way could be to use a function that return the class:

class Dog
    int age;
    int size;
    public Dog(int a = 10, int s = 20) {
        age = a;
        size = s;
    public Dog GetDog() {
       //Dog d = new Dog(this.age,this.size);
       //return d;
       return this;

Dog one = new Dog(100,100);
Dog two =new Dog();//Default constructor two has value 10 and 20
two = one.GetDog();
//now two has the value of one 100 and 100.

EDIT:just remove the two lines from the function as it can be done faster.

This is an old thread, but there’s a simple answer to this:

class Rabbit
    var speed : int = 10;
    var name : String = "Hare";
    function Clone(hare : Rabbit)
        hare.speed = speed; = name;

var Rabbit1 = new Rabbit();
var Rabbit2 = new Rabbit(); = "Roger"; = "Jolly";

Debug.Log( + " | " +;
// Prints "Roger | Jolly"


Debug.Log( + " | " +;
// Prints "Jolly | Jolly" = "Roger";

Debug.Log( + " | " +;
// Prints "Jolly| Roger "

So you see, we can have the cloning of variables function inside a class and the values will not be references but independent. Also, having the clone function inside the class makes maintenance straightforward.

I know, this is an old question, but when I try to figure out how to do it, I saw this msg too.
There is a SIMPLE solution:

Using Json:

public class _buildingInfo
    public String  stringtext;
    public GameObject gobject;


public _buildingInfo buildingInfo1;
public _buildingInfo buildingInfo2 = new _buildingInfo();

buildingInfo2 = JsonUtility.FromJson<_buildingInfo>(JsonUtility.ToJson(buildingInfo1));

Personally, to avoid any form of issues that the JsonUtility might create along the road, I went with a semi-manual way of handling a deep copy of a serialized field.

It become something like this (for a custom serialized “Options” Field) :

    public static void CopyOptions(OptionsData To, OptionsData From)
        To = new OptionsData();

        To.Language = From.Language;
        To.Volume_Main = From.Volume_Main;
        To.Volume_Menu = From.Volume_Menu;
        To.Volume_Music = From.Volume_Music;
        To.Volume_Sounds = From.Volume_Sounds;
        To.Volume_Voices = From.Volume_Voices;
        To.Difficulty = From.Difficulty;
        To.KidMode = From.KidMode;
        To.isWindowed = From.isWindowed;
        To.ScreenResolutionMultiplier = From.ScreenResolutionMultiplier;
        To.ShadowQuality = From.ShadowQuality;
        To.AntiAliasing = From.AntiAliasing;
        To.VSyncCount = From.VSyncCount;
        To.SoftParticleActive = From.SoftParticleActive;

    public class OptionsData
        public int Language = 0;
        public float Volume_Main = 1f;
        public float Volume_Music = 0.8f;
        public float Volume_Sounds = 1f;
        public float Volume_Voices = 1f;
        public float Volume_Menu = 1f;

        public int Difficulty = 1;
        public bool KidMode = false;
        public bool isWindowed = false;
        [Range(0, 4)]
        public int ScreenResolutionMultiplier = 2;
        [Range(0, 2)]
        public int ShadowQuality = 2;
        [Range(0, 2)]
        public int AntiAliasing = 2;
        [Range(0, 4)]
        public int VSyncCount = 4;
        public bool SoftParticleActive = true;


While it takes a bit of time to setup, the good thing is that you can reuse it anywhere and feed what you need. I simply have to use the function CopyOptions(A,B) to fill A’s data with a copy of B’s data.