Copyright Infringement Detector

Dear publishers.

Please check as someone might sell your Unity source code. Just today i have found several examples of potential copyright infringement. Just use the search form at fiverr and enter “unity code” or “unity source code” and you may find your code sold by someone else.

I have got really upset lately when i was noticed about copyright infringement of my source code. Thanks to the users who informed me about it, so i was able to contact the platforms and they removed / ended the sales of those illegal activities.

Please help to stop illegal sales of our code.

Kind regards,

Looking at the first three items of her list of codes everybody can realize that these codes are not owned by her.

For those who are affected: Please send a take down request to, thank you!


Nice, its down now.

The fb page is probably still there, it seems cannot report it unless it would actually contain my plugins…