2022.3 (LTS) and the bugs in Unity that treat this process poorly, or disregard Apple’s policies on live audio are still such that speaker popping glitches show up whilst operating the Editor UI in Play mode.
Who is in charge of Audio and Apple compatibility out of Unity’s 5000+ employees?
Do you think you could let us know when you’re going to get around to looking at these issues?
Every other live audio generating app and DAW and sequencer has gotten onboard with Apple’s newer ways of security and audio timing, USB bus etc processes. Might almost be time for Unity to do it. Please.
Unfortunately, if you are not more specific, we can’t tell you if we plan to fix these issues. You also point out Apple’s policies but don’t mention which one. We always try to improve our support on all platforms, but it is pretty tricky to tell you it is on our radar without some explanation or bug report.
Perhaps you’re not an audio expert. Do you have someone on the team that is, particularly someone that’s experienced with all the major DAWs and perhaps also things like After Effects, too?
These issues are legion and legendary. Only Unity and Yamaha, so far as I know, haven’t fully adopted the policies and practices that Apple’s decided they want adhered so they can be both more secure and fully embrace audio noise reduction with their microphone arrays.
Perhaps you’re not super familiar with the audio “gremlins” that appeared at the introduction of the T1, then T2, and subsequent M series chips, and the Apple requirements for compliance with their ideas on both security and noise cancellation, otherwise you’d know what I’m talking about.
If there’s someone that you’re friends with at FMOD, they’ll be able to let you know exactly what I’m talking about.