Coroutine Alternatives ! Benchmarks.

I hope this is found by individuals who can build upon this.

Project: GitHub - u-an-i/Unity-Coroutine-Alternatives-Benchmark: benchmark of ways to "animate" in Unity

benchmarking baseline, Update, Coroutine, MEC Coroutine and 3 own implementations 2 of which use .NET Collections and 1 of which directly


winning code:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

namespace u_i_2
    class batch
        private const int size = 4218;

        public struct freed
            public added number;
            public int index;

        public class added
            public added()
                content = new CoroutineReplacement2.crValues[size];
                free = new freed[size];

            public CoroutineReplacement2.crValues[] content;
            public freed[] free;
            public added next = null;

        public batch()
            peakContent = new added();
            baseFreed = peakContent;
            peakFreed = baseFreed;
            first = peakContent;
            iteratorCurrent = first;

        private int iteratorIndex = -1;
        private int peakPeak = 0;
        private int baseFree = 0;
        private int peakFree = -1;
        private static CoroutineReplacement2.crValues nullValue = new CoroutineReplacement2.crValues()
            enumerator = null
        private added peakContent;
        private added baseFreed;
        private added peakFreed;
        private added first;
        private added iteratorCurrent;

        public CoroutineHandle Add(CoroutineReplacement2.crValues value)
            added access;
            int index;
            if(peakFree >= 0)
                freed reference =[baseFree];
                access = reference.number;
                index = reference.index;
                if (baseFree == peakFree && baseFreed == peakFreed)
                    baseFree = 0;
                    peakFree = -1;
                    baseFreed = first;
                    peakFreed = baseFreed;
                else if(++baseFree == size)
                    baseFree = 0;
                    if (baseFreed == peakContent)
                        baseFreed = first;
                        baseFreed =;
                access = peakContent;
                index = peakPeak;
                if(++peakPeak == size)
                    peakPeak = 0;
           = new added();
                    peakContent =;
            access.content[index] = value;
            return new CoroutineHandle()
                bin = this,
                access = access,
                index = index

        public ref CoroutineReplacement2.crValues GetNext()
            if(++iteratorIndex == size)
                iteratorIndex = 0;
                iteratorCurrent =;
            if(iteratorCurrent != null && (iteratorCurrent != peakContent || iteratorIndex < peakPeak))
                ref CoroutineReplacement2.crValues value = ref iteratorCurrent.content[iteratorIndex];
                return ref (value.enumerator != null ? ref value : ref GetNext());
                iteratorIndex = -1;
                iteratorCurrent = first;
                return ref nullValue;

        public void DeleteAtIterator()
            iteratorCurrent.content[iteratorIndex].enumerator = null;
            if (++peakFree == size)
                peakFree = 0;
                if (peakFreed == peakContent)
                    peakFreed = first;
                    peakFreed =;
  [peakFree] = new freed()
                number = iteratorCurrent,
                index = iteratorIndex

        public void DeleteWith(added access, int index)
            access.content[index].enumerator = null;
            if (++peakFree == size)
                peakFree = 0;
                if (peakFreed == peakContent)
                    peakFreed = first;
                    peakFreed =;
  [peakFree] = new freed()
                number = access,
                index = index

        public void DeleteAll()
            peakContent = new added();
            baseFreed = peakContent;
            peakFreed = baseFreed;
            first = peakContent;
            iteratorCurrent = first;
            iteratorIndex = -1;
            peakPeak = 0;
            baseFree = 0;
            peakFree = -1;

    static class Timing
        private static batch a = new batch();
        private static batch[] bins = new batch[5]
            new batch(),
            new batch(),
            new batch(),
            new batch(),
            new batch()

        public static CoroutineHandle RunCoroutine(IEnumerator<float> coroutine)
            return a.Add(new CoroutineReplacement2.crValues()
                remainingTime = 0F,
                enumerator = coroutine

        public static CoroutineHandle RunCoroutine(IEnumerator<float> coroutine, int bin)
            return bins[bin].Add(new CoroutineReplacement2.crValues()
                remainingTime = 0F,
                enumerator = coroutine

        public static float WaitForSeconds(float duration)
            return duration;

        public static void KillCoroutines(CoroutineHandle handle)
            handle.bin.DeleteWith(handle.access, handle.index);

        public static void KillCoroutines(int bin)

        public static transfer getCoroutines()
            return new transfer()
                a = a,
                bins = bins

        public struct transfer
            public batch a;
            public batch[] bins;

    class CoroutineReplacement2 : MonoBehaviour
        public struct crValues
            public float remainingTime;
            public IEnumerator<float> enumerator;

        private batch a;
        private batch[] bins;

        // Start is called before the first frame update
        void Start()
            Timing.transfer coroutines = Timing.getCoroutines();
            a = coroutines.a;
            bins = coroutines.bins;

        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            ref crValues value = ref a.GetNext();
            while (value.enumerator != null)
                value.remainingTime -= Time.deltaTime;
                if (value.remainingTime <= 0F)
                    if (value.enumerator.MoveNext())
                        value.remainingTime = value.enumerator.Current;
                value = ref a.GetNext();
            int i = 0;
                batch b = bins[i];
                ref crValues val = ref b.GetNext();
                while (val.enumerator != null)
                    val.remainingTime -= Time.deltaTime;
                    if (val.remainingTime <= 0F)
                        if (val.enumerator.MoveNext())
                            val.remainingTime = val.enumerator.Current;
                    val = ref b.GetNext();
            while (++i < 5);

    struct CoroutineHandle
        public batch bin;
        public batch.added access;
        public int index;


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Iā€™m aware this is not DOTS but performance-related for users who use the classic way.

Does it make sense to benchmark Coroutine? Basically, every yield waits for the next frame. a loop with 100 yields always takes 100 frames, regardless of the work. And without a yield, a coroutine would not make much sense, since it would then be processed within the same frame anyway +overhead.

Overhead results in longer frametime (no vsync or ā€¦). But number of frames is number of yields returning ā€ž0ā€œ plus those during waiting for seconds.

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