coroutine help

Hello, so I got a coroutine with a WaitForSeconds() statement, but I want the coroutine to have 2 ways to continue for the player, to wait for x seconds before the next enemy spawns or hurry the time for the next spawn with a button press. Any idea on how this can be done? I just need a general idea, I am not asking for any code, thank you all in advance!!!


Write the code that goes on as a separate routine that is called either from your co-routine’s continuation or directly by a user press.
Have it set a boolean that says its been called so, if the user calls it, and then the co-routine completes, it will just ignore the second call.

I know you did not want any code, but sometimes an example is faster and better than a long description. There are a number of different approaches. Here is one. Put this on an empty game object and run. Space will speed the current cycle.

#pragma strict

var abort = false;

function Start() {

function DoTheAction(time : float) {
    while (true) {
		var timer = 0.0;

		while (timer < time && !abort) {
			timer += Time.deltaTime;
		abort = false;
		// Instantiate code goes here;

function Update() {
	abort = Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space);

Note that by using just ‘yield’ and a timer, instead of ‘yield WaitForSeconds()’, we can check to see if the user hit a key each frame.