Script error (apc collision): LateUpdate() can not be a coroutine.
After I am detected by the enemy I want to wait 5 seconds then be sent to the death screen menu
Without the yield it works, but it goes straight into the next scene without waiting
So I add a yield waitforseconds but it doesn’t work
I have another script like which goes into a scene for 6 secodns then automatically goes back to another scene so I tried using the same logic but it;s not working here
This is the improtant part of ym script
function LateUpdate()
if (spawn) //if player dies reset back all the player info
//gameObject.Find("fps").transform.position = Vector3(150,80,160);
b = true;
health = 5.0;
spawn = false;
hidden = false;
if (b == true)
Debug.Log("wait 5 seconds");
yield WaitForSeconds (5);
Where am i supposed to put the yieldwaitforseconds? What is a coroutine, how does this all work?
Any kind of Update function can’t be a coroutine, since it runs every frame without exception and can’t be delayed. Don’t use LateUpdate…all you’re apparently doing with it is constantly polling the spawn variable, which isn’t a good idea. Just make a function that’s called once when you need to spawn, then it can be a coroutine.
Hey thanks guys so my problem was I was trying to do it in the lateupdate function which I just found out to be useless.
I just made it really simple and it works
Please let me know if the code looks wrong or if I am doing it wrong
Also Dantus thanks but it says javascript does it automatically?
Also it works now, is it working because I am lucky, or am I still doing it wrong?
Where in my script did I actually start a courotine?
Here is the script that makes it wait 3 seconds then load into next scene
if (player.gameObject.CompareTag ("Player"))
var playerScript : run = player.GetComponent(run);
if (playerScript.hidden == true activation == true)
Debug.Log("apc has not detected you");
health = health - 1;
Debug.Log("apc has detected you " + health);
yield WaitForSeconds (3);