So this is what i want to run now. This way i can pick how many i want on the go with each script.
[TextArea(3, 10)] public string[] textBoxes;
Ok so what i had was this code here and it ran one after the other depending on how many boxes were filled.
textBox.text = text1; enabledPanel.SetActive(true); yield return new WaitForSeconds(waitTime); enabledPanel.SetActive(false); if (text2 != "") { yield return new WaitForSeconds(timeBetweenText); textBox.text = text2; enabledPanel.SetActive(true); yield return new WaitForSeconds(waitTime); enabledPanel.SetActive(false);
So how can i run the array in a co routine one after the other?
I cant seem to fine anything that will help me unless i missed it by not understanding it.
Thanks in advance