I’ve checked the documentation, tutorials and read relating Q/A but it seems I can’t find a solution.
I use a coroutine to place a number in the center of the screen and then move a letter from the center to the one of the four corners of the screen.
The code iterates only once (blink of nr 1 and moves the first letter). But I can’t get the print “reached the target” on the console. It seems stuck in the while loop.
Can anybody help me?
public IEnumerator PlaceLetter() {
foreach (GameObject nrTemp in numbers) {
// Blink for 1sec in the center of the screen
GameObject number = Instantiate (nrTemp) as GameObject;
number.SetActive (true);
yield return new WaitForSeconds (1);
number.SetActive (false);
Destroy (number);
yield return new WaitForSeconds (1);
foreach (GameObject goTemp in letters) {
// place letter in a corner of the screen
GameObject letter = Instantiate (goTemp) as GameObject;
letter.SetActive (true);
Vector3 currentPosition = letter.transform.position;
foreach (Vector3 tpTemp in targetPositions) {
while (Vector3.Distance (currentPosition, tpTemp) > 0.1f) {
letter.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (letter.transform.position, tpTemp, speed * Time.deltaTime);
yield return null;
print ("reached the target");