Correct renderTexture parameters for use with ReflectionProbe.BlendCubemap?

Hi !
I’ve run into an issue while trying to blending reflection cubemaps using ReflectionProbe.BlendCubemap.
The moment the resulting cubemap is used in the scene, the affected objects appear much smoother than they should.

public class BlendSingleReflectionProbe : MonoBehaviour
    public ReflectionProbe Probe;

    public Texture initialCubemap;
    public Texture targetCubemap;
    public float blendValue = 0f;

    private RenderTexture renderTexture;

    void Start()
        renderTexture = new RenderTexture(initialCubemap.width, initialCubemap.height, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf);
        renderTexture.dimension = TextureDimension.Cube;
        renderTexture.useMipMap = true;

        ReflectionProbe.BlendCubemap(initialCubemap, targetCubemap, blendValue, renderTexture);

        Probe.bakedTexture = renderTexture;

Expected result :

Actual result :

I’ve managed to emulate the faulty result by setting the baked cubemap’s ConvolutionType from “Specular(Glossy Reflection)” to “None.”
I thought I was on to something, but RenderTextures don’t seem to have a ConvolutionType ( at least, not one I can access,) so no luck.

I’m probably missing something obvious, and I could really use a pointer from one of you smart folks out there !
Thanks :smiley: