Correct way to draw a sprite

What is the correct way, using Unity3D 2D features, to draw a sprite in the screen. It’s still through OnGUI function? Using DrawTexture? Sprite? What it’s the correct way to display it?

A sprite is a regular (2D) object in the 3D “world” of Unity (and is rendered in front of a GUI Object).

→ So you should use the “Update” function/void.

(for 2D project)
no you create a gameobject then:
Add Component → Rendering → Sprite Renderer

then you can add your sprite there

if you got an animation you’ll have to add a animator

(for 3D project)
OnGui is still the default
you can try using the gui Texture gameobject

or wait about a month for the new gui features heres a link for release information and 2