Correlation between pixel to units and gravity

Hello All!

I’m new to Unity and I’m working on porting a 2D game to Unity (c#). By default, a sprite imports in with the pixel to units value at 100. I needed to decrease this value down to 1 so that I could get a 1:1 with the actual pixels of the sprites being imported. I originally had the overall gravity setting (in Project Settings->Physics2D->Y value) set to -30 as this seemed to give me the results I was looking for. Now that I’ve changed the pixel to unit value, I cannot seem to find the value that was close to -30 for gravity (object falls too slow). I’m assuming my understanding of the correlation between pixel to units and how gravity works in Unity is off (And will probably have that duh moment when the answer is revealed). Could someone please give me some pointers as to how I can come up with an acceptable gravity (Y) value when pixel to units value is 1?

Thanks in advance!

You could always just scale the locations by the pixels to units value.