Here is Catie’s/my submission for Top DOG. We didn’t make it as finalists, but the ones that did have some truly quality-looking stuff. Good luck to you all!
We did this in a few weeks without knowing how to program or animate anything at the outset. $$$$ can be a great motivator! Still, I think we both learned a lot, and plan to make even cooler stuff as soon as 2.0 is rolled out.
I did the music/sound and programming.
Catie did the art and animation.
We both had a hand in other design elements.
A big thank you to all who have helped me on this forum as I got acquainted with beginning game creation!
Thats cool! I like the music. I tryed to leave it open to listen to it while I web browsed after I finished it, but I couldn’t see my cursor.
What did you do the music in?
Logic Pro 7. A few sounds were from the MOTU Symphonic and Ethno Instruments, which I am now selling on eBay, because Logic Pro 8 has a more extensive set of sampler instruments.
And as one who judged the entries I can easily say that every game offered me a fun and entertaining experience. I really like the audio and the background visuals while playing, kudos for the solid effort in such a short time, all while learning the tool!
Love this concept. Really chilled me out once I got the gist.
And since you didn’t ask: I’d love to see little connections between the shells sort of roping across… or maybe just save that to the end with some fun hand drawn particles. I’d also like to see the shells separated from the back a little more. Maybe a glowing highlight or a black outline. It might also be good to have the shells change shape somehow instead of just color. And while I’m brainstorming, it would be interesting to explore telling a story as you complete more ala Elite Beat Agents.
No, I figured it was a known issue, as no Unity web players we have tried, made by me or others, have been able to run on a number Vista machines. I don’t have the specs available for them, because they are other people’s work computers, but they have various configurations. As far as I know, this is only a problem when the web player is deployed as a “standalone”, as in, not loaded from a server. Has no one else had this problem?
Also, I am not sure this matter needs attention. People seem to get upset when certain applications break the consistency of an OS. Nothing else works in Vista. Having Unity content actually be functional would just be making yet another element of Vista Mac-like. Can’t have that! :roll:
very nice work. the great music active backround makes it really engrossing.
a few small crits:
i second that the shells need more to them visually - they seem a bit bland in relation to color livelyness of the rest of the scene.
i’d allow more of a pause between levels so you can admire for a few seconds what you’ve created so far - i found it went quick enough i couldn’t really appreciate the backround until i lost.
I appreciate these suggestions. My plan for the moment is to become more of an expert with the new version of Logic, learn the technical aspects of more 3D content integration techniques, and acquire more scripting skills. When Unity 2.0 comes out, I am going to revisit this, and a couple other small Unity projects I worked on lately, and make them better, while practicing my newer skills. After that, I’m going to move on to bigger things, but I will definitely try to work in the improvements that are recommended.
I think I’d be having a lot less fun without the audio! You get a new audio element every time you “draw” a new picture into the scene. You’ll start off with wave ambience and build up a groove. Hopefully you can get it working.
For some reason, a lot of the stuff Catie and I do (unless directed otherwise) ends up having that kind of feel. I’ve got no problem making stuff for youngsters, but I mostly just try to make stuff that I like. I’m a big fan of most of the Mario games and Katamari Damacy, but I’m also into Silent Hill, and Bioshock really interests me. I guess I’m just into things that are far removed from reality.