Costmeci / character creation And costum weapons in pixal art 2d top/down.

Simple qustion about character cosumazation.
I’m making top/down movment mechanic and im right now in proces of making models for top down for character creation/costmetic system.
Qustion 1:
Face cosmetic like eyes / scars and stuff like that can only be seen on right/left/front sides of the character , then what about the back? Do i make it dissapear when character is facing up direction? or do i make empty sprites in that cosmetic space?
Qustion 2 :
Can cosmetics system be used on weapons?
Let’s say i want to creat weapon that can be crafted usign parts grip , guard and blade (the weapon is not part of character) can same type of logic be implanted into object that will be moving?(I saw in 3d it’s some ways like guns and stuff but idk about 2d) it’;s one sided weapons .

Every one of your questions are going to be up to you. Keep this in mind:

These things (character customization, inventories, shop systems) are fairly tricky hairy beasts, definitely deep in advanced coding territory. They contain elements of:

  • a database of items that you may possibly possess / equip
  • a database of the items that you actually possess / equip currently
  • perhaps another database of your “storage” area at home base?
  • persistence of this information to storage between game runs
  • presentation of the inventory to the user (may have to scale and grow, overlay parts, clothing, etc)
  • interaction with items in the inventory or on the character or in the home base storage area
  • interaction with the world to get items in and out
  • dependence on asset definition (images, etc.) for presentation

Just the design choices of an inventory system can have a lot of complicating confounding issues, such as:

  • can you have multiple items? Is there a limit?
  • if there is an item limit, what is it? Total count? Weight? Size? Something else?
  • are those items shown individually or do they stack?
  • are coins / gems stacked but other stuff isn’t stacked?
  • do items have detailed data shown (durability, rarity, damage, etc.)?
  • can users combine items to make new items? How? Limits? Results? Messages of success/failure?
  • can users substantially modify items with other things like spells, gems, sockets, etc.?
  • does a worn-out item (shovel) become something else (like a stick) when the item wears out fully?
  • etc.

Your best bet is probably to write down exactly what you want feature-wise. It may be useful to get very familiar with an existing game so you have an actual example of each feature in action.

Once you have decided a baseline design, fully work through two or three different inventory tutorials on Youtube, perhaps even for the game example you have chosen above.

Or… do like I like to do: just jump in and make it up as you go. It is SOFT-ware after all… evolve it as you go! :slight_smile:

Breaking down a large problem such as inventory: