Hello guys,
I recently changed my working laptop and moved from Windows 7 to Windows 10 pro. I also moved from Unity 5.4.1 to Unity 5.5.1.
I am experiencing quite some problems in the build. Our game is all sprite based (we have quite some large spritesheets, and lots of UI sprites), all of them kept in POT format, but some as large as 4k and 8k.
On the old laptop i had no problem, in the new one instead (I also tried to roll back on the new one with the 5.4.1 version to make sure it was not a version issue, i get several sprites looking corrupted in the build (in the editor they have no problem). You see below that some of them disappear, create some weird issues with colors (i noticed some even having some pieces of other sprites superposed, as the image attached, where instead of the tower shadow out of the right spritesheet, i get the right sprite shape, but showing some different scales out of the dogs animation sheet)
Any Idea on what might be the cause? I tried with a single sprite, copying it from the game folder, cancelling it from the project, and reimporting it, and it worked, but doing that for all the non working ones (specially the animation sheets) is a killer that i would try to avoid as it would take days to locate then and change them. Specially because in the editor everything works fine.