Could I ask for a little improvement on Unity websites?

Hi guys, have a nice day.

I’d like to ask for multi-task support on some Unity websites. As you can see, especially on Unity Asset Store (Saved Assets) and Unity Learn, I can’t open a link/topic/asset as a new tab easily, I have to open them one by one and I hate that flow so much.
Really hope you guys can improve it.

Thank you!

With modern browsers, you can right click on the link and open in new tab.

asset store uses some frameworks that don’t have middle mouse button support in many places (hostile UX),
like inside My Assets list (need to left click first to open preview, then can open in new tab from that)

same for notifications list, cannot open in new tab…
which makes it pretty useless if you have tens of notifications that you would like to check.

*also cannot middle mouse click Banner to open in new tab…

my old workarounds no longer work, probably should update…

Oh, I didn’t realise that.
I always thought anyway new AS design is terrible.