Could I Optimalize this script?

Hi I am Object Pooling astereroids, but when they suddenly pop up it looks bad. So I have tryied to fade it with lerping transperency, which works but its taking a lot of performance.

Calling a function

void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) {
        other.transform.position = GeneratedPosition();// other are Asteriods, Reposition asteriods
        other.GetComponent<Fade>().Reposition ();//Calling a a component which has every asteriod


Fade Script

 public void Reposition () {
        fade = true;
        valToBeLerped = 0;
        tParam = 0;
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {
            if (tParam < 1) {
                tParam += Time.deltaTime * speed; //This will increment tParam based on Time.deltaTime multiplied by a speed multiplier
                valToBeLerped = Mathf.Lerp(0, 1, tParam);
                Rend = GetComponent<Renderer>();
                color.a =valToBeLerped;
                Rend.material.color =color;


Is there way to optimaze it or do it better?

It might be better to use animations to do this. Just start at color.a = 0 and set it to 1 after a certain interval. Also, GetComponent is expensive. You should not do that in Update. If you want to keep doing it in code, use a coroutine and create a reference to the Renderer.

Optimisation tips

  • Use coroutines instead of Update
  • Call GetComponent once
  • Keep variables in small scopes

Here it is in practice:

 public void Reposition () {
IEnumerator Update () {
    Renderer renderer = GetComponent<Renderer>();
    Color color = renderer.material.color;
    float fadeTime = 0;
    while (fadeTime < 1) {
        fadeTime += Time.deltaTime * speed;
        color.a = Mathf.Lerp(0, 1, fadeTime);
        renderer.material.color = color;
        yield return null;

Note that the OnTriggerEnter method belongs on the asteroid, not the player.

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It took some time to get it working(due to my silly mistake) but it works like magic! Thanks