Could not establish a connection with the unity package manager local server process

sorry to hear you are having trouble starting unity.
Thank you for all your efforts in trying to fix your issue.

In your case, the editor and upm logs would probably be most informative since your diagnostic report mentions that it is the UPM server process that cannot be started.
The upm.log can be found here: %LocalAppData%\Unity\Editor\upm.log
The editor log can be found here: %LocalAppData%\Unity\Editor\Editor.log

This is just a guess but your issue might be that the port that the upm server is using to start its process is blocked.
UPM will ask Windows for the next available port and it should receive one between 49152-65535.
Some policies or firewalls sometimes block ports.
To verify this, you could first start the UPM server and specify an unused available port on your machine and then start unity with the same port.

  • Start UPM server with a specified port: <path-to-unity-installation-dir>\Data\Resources\PackageManager\Server\UnityPackageManager.exe -p 3500
  • Start Unity with the same port: <path-to-unity-installation-dir>\Unity.exe -upmServerPort 3500