Could not find Unity Package Manager local server application

i just installed unity but when i go to make a project i get

Could not find Unity Package Manager local server application at [C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2022.3.11f1/Editor/Data/Resources/PackageManager/Server/UnityPackageManager.exe]. Missing files could be the result of an antivirus action or a corrupt Unity installation.
Click on Retry to relaunch Unity and reopen your project.
Click on Diagnose to launch the Unity Package Manager Diagnostics tool.
none of them options work how do i fix this


same ive been ere with this too:
Could not find Unity Package Manager local server application at [C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2022.3.12f1/Editor/Data/Resources/PackageManager/Server/UnityPackageManager.exe]. Missing files could be the result of an antivirus action or a corrupt Unity installation.

Click on Retry to relaunch Unity and reopen your project.

Click on Diagnose to launch the Unity Package Manager Diagnostics tool. but nobody seems to know, im tryna make gorilla tag fangame for pc =(

but apparently its windows defender blocking the file

Im having the same issue, are you on a Mac ?

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Try uninstalling, then reinstalling an older version. I installed the 2021.3.32f1SILICON and finally got it to run.


have the same problem on a MacOS. It happeded twice in the past two weeks. This is really annoying

i’m having the same problem too but i’m on Windows 10. i’m trying to use 2022.3.6f1. i need to fix this bc my job is literally making avatars for VRChat so i literally cannot work until i fix this

I went to the location of the file and opened it manually then hit retry, seemed to work for me

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ur a hero.
worked for me :slight_smile:

any luck? I also need 2022.3 version, but I’m unable to open projects on this version. I’ve deleted and redownloaded the unity version now 3 times and still same message

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SOLVED for me. I’m on Mac and was switching a project from a 2021 version to the 2022.3.20f1 - I had to reinstall the new unity version a total of 4 separate times. The install said it required 7.5gb to install and I had 15gb available on my hard drive. The download said complete without errors, but I kept getting the above mentioned error. On my 4th time re-installing 2022.3.20f1 I cleared off 25gb from my computer even though it only needed 7.5gb. I watched the storage during the install and it went from 25gb available to 4gb available meaning it was needing 21gb to complete the install. Once done it’s only using about 5gb of space but I needed at least 3x the amount required for a complete and working install. Hope this helps someone :slight_smile:


That work to me!!! Thanks!!! :smile:

This worked for me! Thank you!

Yep, same here on Mac with Unity 6 preview. Just free as much space as you can and it should work, was using around 25GB during install here.

I am on my 4th reinstall, when I check the files /Server/UnityPackageManager is absent from the PackageManager file x_x
Hope it will end up working like it did for you !