Could not find UPM executable at path

macOS Catalina v10.15

First time installer

  • installed from link
  • dragged installer to applications
  • selected to install Visual Studio for Mac and Documentation modules
  • downloaded Karting Microgame
  • selected “Open Project”

edited* this same error occurs when selecting a new project

Received this error:

Could not find Unity Package Manager local server application at [/Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.4.10f1/]. Missing files could be the result of an antivirus action or a corrupt Unity installation.

Ran diagnostic tool:
Unity Package Manager Diagnostics (v0.1.8)

Ran 7 checks

6 succeeded
1 did not run

:white_check_mark: UPM registry reachable (PASS)
Make an HTTP request to the UPM package registry

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Express
Provider: Genesis
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2020 17:01:44 GMT
Connection: close

:white_check_mark: Ping UPM registry (PASS)
Measure the latency of the UPM package registry API

23 pings made in 5.131 seconds
Average latency: 32.62 ms
Minimum latency: 29.92 ms
Maximum latency: 44.13 ms
Standard deviation: 3.21

:white_check_mark: Ping UPM download (PASS)
Measure the latency of the UPM package download endpoint

20 pings made in 5.097 seconds
Average latency: 7.21 ms
Minimum latency: 4.89 ms
Maximum latency: 13.08 ms
Standard deviation: 2.02

:white_check_mark: UPM registry download speed (PASS)
Test the Internet connection using the UPM package registry

Measured speed to the UPM registry: 405.85 Megabits per second

:white_check_mark: (PASS)
Test the Internet connection using

Measured speed to the server: 291.33 Megabits per second

:white_check_mark: HTTP proxy environment variables (PASS)
Detect whether proxy-related environment variables are set (HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, ALL_PROXY, NO_PROXY, UNITY_PROXYSERVER, UNITY_NOPROXY)

No proxy support has been configured through environment variables.

:question: UPM health check (UNKNOWN)
Start the UPM process and call its health endpoint

Could not find UPM executable at path ‘/Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.4.10f1/’

Have attempted a complete removal of all elements including ~Library and reinstalling. Still get the same error

Hey, sorry to see you are having this issue. As the error states, it seems you have an incomplete installation of Unity. This could be due to an antivirus or a corrupt installation. Can you try to uninstall again and install this time from the Unity Hub?

What version of Unity Hub are you using?

Unity Hub v2.4.0

I have attached some screenshots as I feel that I must be doing something incorrectly. At the end of the install, I get two instances of Unity and I’m guessing that’s not what I should be getting. This was after a complete removal - again including ~/Library elements.

My guess is that I am making an error by not specifying a path for the Unity Editors Folder from the Unity Hub settings or the path definition of the project - or both.

6337932--703896--Screen Shot 2020-09-22 at 13.47.08.png
6337932--703899--Screen Shot 2020-09-22 at 13.47.44.png
6337932--703902--Screen Shot 2020-09-22 at 13.48.36.png
6337932--703905--Screen Shot 2020-09-22 at 13.59.15.png
6337932--703908--Screen Shot 2020-09-22 at 14.02.25.png

Hey, it seems this is a Hub related problem, you’ll probably have more luck posting your question in Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

I’m on Mojave using Unity Hub 2.4.2, and I had this same issue when trying to install 2021.1.0b1 (Beta).

I had two instances of “” and “Unity Bug” after the install in these two locations:

  • /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2021.1.0b1/
  • /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2021.1.0b1/Unity/

I found out the “” inside the Unity subfolder did contain “Contents/Resources/PackageManager/Server/UnityPackageManager” while the other one did not, so I simply replaced the instances outside of the subfolder with the ones in the Unity folder, and everything worked!

Hope this helps someone else =]


you actually have the biggest brain in the world. it worked!!! thank you so much. I have to say you are one beast man I’ve been working on this unity download trash for so long and you have made my day


you have to tell the devs or somebody make a video I dont know but make sure other people know about this


Could not find UPM executable at path ‘/Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.2f1/’

(Hopefully this helps search crawlers find this post, and jiheh’s post above)

Thank you jiheh!

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Same here. installing 2020.3.8f1 I opened my project and got that error. I found the 2 instances of Unity. Both appeared to have the package manager but the one in the Unity subfolder was over 6GB and the other one was only 4GB. So I moved the one from the subfolder up and overwrote the smaller and now I can open the project. One thing though, the Unity Hub is missing the option to “Add Modules” to the installation. This will be a problem if I want to add other platform targets. So something is broken. I’m on Big Sur. I’ve already tried reinstalling.

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Hello everybody, I’m sorry to see you are still experiencing this problem, if you could submit a bug so the Unity Hub team could take a look to what is causing this problem it will be awesome. Including as much information as possible, in particular the Unity Hub logs will be helpful for the team. Thanks in advance.

Having same issue… I ran a dignose and it gave me this in the diagnose file, 5 tests passed, but one resulted as unknown :
UPM health check (UNKNOWN)
Start the UPM process and call its health endpoint

Could not find UPM executable at path ‘C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2020.3.9f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\Server\UnityPackageManager.exe’

Please follow the process in the post above yours so we can take a look at this.

Just FYI, I had the same problem, with Unity 2020.3.12f1 (on macOS Big Sur 11.4) which I installed, uninstalled, reinstalled, rebooted without success. Just like @jiheh and others (but on different versions), I had two copies of, one of which was smaller. Unity Hub 2.4.3. Works after replacing the smaller version with the bigger, but this must be an error in the installer then.

I just tried install latest 2020.3.18f1 and get the error

““could not find unity package manager local service application””

This is crazy

EDIT: Diagnostic says only one error

UPM health check (UNKNOWN)
Start the UPM process and call its health endpoint

Could not find UPM executable at path ‘C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2020.3.18f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\Server\UnityPackageManager.exe’

I check and there is no “server”" folder created in the PackageManager folder


The software is not working, can you please provide a direct download to this server files so we can work now and then we may submit a bug, which may take months to resolve.

We need to work today, not in few weeks or months, that is the issue with submit a bug report.

EDIT: I copied the server folder from the Unity 2019.4 installation, fingers crossed it works !!!

Hey @nasos_333 , I’m sorry you are having this issue. I would recommend you to uninstall the version of Unity where the problem is present and install again Unity, for some reason, the installation wasn’t completed in your case, as you don’t have the Package Manager server files as you mentioned in this thread. This could be a problem with the Hub: it is recommended not to close the Hub until the Unity installation is completed, not only the download of the Unity installed.

Another possibility is that your antivirus is removing/quarantining the files for some reason.

I see you are trying to work around this issue by copying files from one Unity installation folder Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager into another version of Unity installed. Although this might work, this is not a good idea, you should let the Unity installer to take care of installing (which takes care of configuring some settings and rules in the computer) and copying the correct files. Different versions of Unity use different versions of the UnityPackageManager application.

If you still consistently can’t solve this problem, while tying to uninstall and install Unity, some Package Manager files are still missing, please submit a bug with as much detail as possible (which Unity Hub version are you using, if this happens for all the Unity versions you are trying to install) and please share the case number so we can follow up on this.

Good luck!

Just logged in to bump this from 2022, if you’re still on Catalina and were having the same issue like me, the fix mentioned above by jiheh worked.

Another bump from 2022.
It’s 2 years since this issue reported and still not fixed =
Got it reproduced with Hub 3.3.0 while installing 2020.3.41f1 LTS on Mac 12.6 (21G115) running in VM on my Win host PC.

Thanks @jiheh for the proper workaround.

you are so smart this worked perfectly thank you so much


Yep, Works perfectly!