Could not save bitmap data to memory stream error

Hi there,

I’ve got a project on which I work sometimes, and I’m now trying to build and debug it on Android.
I’m able to build and generate an apk for Android, but the build results with this error:

Could not save bitmap data to memory stream
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

I’ve stuggled all the day looking for solutions on every available forums, but nobody seepm to have the same error than me. It was a 2020.3.6f1 project upgraded to 2020.3.8f1.

The build works when I deploy it manually to an Android device, but the Build and Run command fails giving “more” errors:

Could not save bitmap data to memory stream
UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow:BuildPlayerAndRun ()
Error building Player: Could not save bitmap data to memory stream
Build completed with a result of 'Failed' in 26 seconds (25807 ms)
UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow:BuildPlayerAndRun ()
UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow+BuildMethodException: 2 errors
  at UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow+DefaultBuildMethods.BuildPlayer (UnityEditor.BuildPlayerOptions options) [0x002ca] in <015079d9a4ea4f97b4381e694d2310c1>:0
  at UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow.CallBuildMethods (System.Boolean askForBuildLocation, UnityEditor.BuildOptions defaultBuildOptions) [0x00080] in <015079d9a4ea4f97b4381e694d2310c1>:0
UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow:BuildPlayerAndRun ()

Does anyone have an idea on where is located the error and how I can solve it ?

Thanks a lot


I discovered the error remains even if I delete every object in the scene…