I know I can use rigidbody.AddForce(direction : Vector3 , ForceMode.Force), but right now I’m working on a helicopter script, and, for example, the motor of the Augusta Mangusta has a power of 704 kW. So, how can I use this value? Should I use ForceMode.Force?
It really depends on if you want to ignore the rigidbodys mass, You should read up on it and maybe do some experimentation to see what forcemode looks best.
I did a quick search with Google (a great search engine that finds great answers if you use it)
I searched for what I thought you asked: “unity tutorial helicopter physics”
It looks like this:
Second link on the search result page linked to this:
I think you should take a look at that and tell me if that solved your problem :o)
(and no, I am not trying to tease you, merly helping you :o) )
I checked the scripting reference, but can anyone elaborate the difference between forces applied “continuously” and “instantly” ?? Like ForceMode.Force is applied continuously, whereas ForceMode.VelocityChange is applied instantly.