Could someone help me with an axe script for animator?

Hi! I m a begginer and I really want to create my own game! It s something easy and simple!
Just an axe that hit some wood and u have to upgrade your buisness!
I created some 3d models for axe, wood etc. And i made a hit animation for axe, but i can’t write that script for using animator when i press button.
I tried to learn from some tutorials but in my case don t work! I really want to know how to resolv fhat thing!
Thank you ! Have a good day!

Try other tutorials. Nobody here is going to write your game. There are PLENTY of crafting tutorials out there. You can do it, really. It may require DAYS or even WEEKS of work, but honestly, you can do it. Nobody here can do it for you. We’re all working on our own games and/or jobs.

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I didn t say that i want somebody to write my game ! I watched some tutorials and in my case didn t work all that scripts and I thought someone know a script for this!