Could use a little help here. C# scripts won't run at all now


Earlier today I rewrote an entire app for a client, in C#, instead of C# and Unityscript, which is what it originally was in. I did this because at the time (see other messages in the Windows 8 section), Unityscript wasn’t working. Plus, I have a plug-in I need to call that works fine in a test project, in C#. The client needs this TODAY, I used Unity successfully for the rest of it, so the Win 8 Phone failure is particularly aggravating.

This was a mind melting hate filled kind of day, but now it’s done. I rewrote some 3000 lines in C#, and it’s all wrapped up. It works flawlessly on Android, iOS, Mac, PC, and Web still.


I get no error messages. Nada. Just nothing works.

Where can I look on a Windows Phone to get any clues about what’s going on??

Thank you,

What happens? Does it crash? Blank screen? Unity logo stays up?

Try checking the log file - see for more details on how to do that.



It throws the same error that the Javascript was throwing in this thread. There is a sample project is in this thread as well. I would REALLY like to know what’s going on, so if you can reproduce it (or can’t!) please let me know!


Could you stop creating multiple threads, and post the error in the same thread?

It’s the same error. Different circumstances are creating it, from what I can tell. In this thread, C# scripts won’t run at all. That’s a different problem, but it’s the same serialization error. I’ll see if I can copy it again.

The error…

“A script behaviour has a different serialization layout when loading.
(Read 24 bytes but expected 32 bytes)
Did you #ifdef UNITY_EDITOR a section of your serialized
properties in any of your scripts?”

And no, I did not do that. That string does not exist anywhere in any of my scripts.

Also, this link contains a unitypackage that has one of the failing projects in it. I’m hoping that someone can shed some light on what is happening. I’ll take ANY solution right now, as I spent yesterday rewriting the entire app in C# hoping that would solve it. It did not.

Thank you,

Full dump of the UnityPlayer.log file…

Build from ‘’ branch, version is ‘4.2.1f4 (4d30acc925c2)’ (Release build).
Physical memory: 395 MB, commited memory limit: 180 MB.
PlayerConnection initialized from C:/Data/Programs/{A26B05AC-827C-6B49-8395-14156E154E10}/Install/Data (debug = 0)
PlayerConnection initialized network socket : 55206
Multi-casting “[IP] [Port] 55206 [Flags] 2 [Guid] 2887934401 [EditorId] 3909670582 [Version] 1048832 [Id] WP8Player( [Debug] 0” to []…
Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 9.3]
Renderer: Qualcomm Adreno 305 (WDDM v1.2) (ID=0x30303330)
Vendor: Qualcomm
Initialize engine version: 4.2.1f4 (4d30acc925c2)
The class defined in script file named ‘CSTest’ does not match the file name!

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/cac08d8a5e25d4cb/Runtime/Mono/MonoBehaviour.cpp Line: 1564)

A script behaviour has a different serialization layout when loading. (Read 24 bytes but expected 32 bytes)
Did you #ifdef UNITY_EDITOR a section of your serialized properties in any of your scripts?

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/cac08d8a5e25d4cb/Runtime/Serialize/SerializedFile.cpp Line: 1163)

I checked, the class name and the file name are identical. No idea why it’s throwing that error. The other one is the one I see in the debugger on screen. And there’s no usage of UNITY_EDITOR anywhere in my project.

What about this error?

“The class defined in script file named ‘CSTest’ does not match the file name!”

As I said, “the class name and the file name are identical”. I have triple checked it.

Is it possible there’s a cached copy of some of these files somewhere, and they’re being used instead of the current copy during the build process?

I WANT to be wrong here somewhere.
I WANT this to be something stupid I’m doing, so I can fix it, and get this product shipped.

So please tell me, does this look wrong? Did I miss a spelling error somewhere? This is about as simple of a script as it gets.

1370569--68951--$Screen Shot 2013-09-27 at 7.52.26 AM.png


This works fine in the editor, of course. It also works fine on Android, iPhone, Mac, PC, and Web builds. It only goes crazy on Win 8 Phone.

Might be old files indeed. Did you try deleting the resulting visual studio project and rebuilding it?

Hey, it was worth a shot!

I changed it to build into a new folder. Even quit and restarted the machine.

But it didn’t affect the output. Same result. Same bug.


I’m sending in the entire project with my bug report. I sure hope this helps someone.


The package you had attached in the other thread missed a textMesh assigned to javascript script. After doing that, it works perfectly on my machine.

You should submit a bug report about that “Did you #ifdef…” error, though.