Could we stop with the random undebuggable errors upon startup?

If Unity was high quality, the workflow would be something like this.

  1. Open the Editor
  2. Make games

Unity is however not, so the workflow is something like this:

  1. Open the Editor
  2. Receive random errors on the console with literally no additional information as to why they happened or how they can be fixed

    Ah yes, {}, thank you Unity I know everything now! (bonus points for the asset pipeline choices being one of deprecated or experimental)
  3. Clear these errors because Unity has trained you to pay no attention to them and it’s not like you have the faintest idea where they’re coming from or if they’re caused or fixable by you
  4. Attempt to make games

Obviously I’m not asking for these errors to be silenced, that would just sweep the problem under the rug and that rug is pretty dome-shaped already. But I wouldn’t mind seeing more information about errors than an extremely generic C++ line working with iterators, or {}.

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I think I’ve reached peak Unity:

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