Couldn’t generate Auth problem

with Muse Texture i cant generate because of auth problem it invites me to register the Beta program. I’m using the same email and Unity ID that was used when subscribed for beta.

Unity Version 2022.3.9f1

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Same here. I dunno what i’ve done wrong.

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Same here, I think Muse is down for new comers. I received my invite today but can’t use it :man_shrugging:


looking at it! keep me posted if it works now

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problem is solved for me, thank you

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Yeah whitelist was updating

I’m facing the same issue. I suppose the whitelist is being updated on a rolling basis?

I am also currently dealing with this. Is this just one of those sit and wait problems and maybe in the next couple days I will be good?

Heya, just checking in - were you able to access?

I personally have still not been able to acess it. I am not quite sure at all what I may have done wrong during this process.

Errors? Are you using the same email to log in Unity Hub as the email you got the beta invite?