Couldn't load the script because its file name doesn't match

Unity 1.7.0f1 iphone

Hi, I worked on my iPad project to day just fine, I saved my files and shut down my mac. Now 3 hours later, I start my mac, open Unity and get an error with every single script in my entire project:

Couldn’t load the script “key_card” because its file name doesn’t match the class name.
Please make sure the file name of the script is the same as the class defined inside it.
(Filename: /Users/build/builds/unity-iphone/iphone/Projects/…/Runtime/Mono/MonoScript.cpp Line: 410)

I dont understand how Unity can have such errors, 3 hours between usage, I didn’t do anything to the files.

All my scripts are java .jsp files.

I have tried to search the forums for help on this but I couldn’t find anything relevant.

Is there a way I can fix my project?


i fixed this by re-importing my scripts folder. Unity though the folder was SCRIPTS but was actually ‘scripts’. just right clicking on the folder in Unity and selecting ‘re-import’ fixed the issue.