count master human tower

Hi guys. How to make a human tower like in count master?

Please ask a more detailed/specific question. Not only do the devs need to understand what “count master” is but they need to know what specifically you need for this “human tower”. This is the scripting forum so you should ask a very specific scripting question. It’s also not the place where you’ll get code/tutorial written for you. That’s for the collaboration forums.

You need to ellaborate on a specific thing or dynamic.

If you mean something like this, then it looks like it’s just stacked models with an animation wobble not actually physics.

You can build a stack like this in Unity editor and add an animated wobble.

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Why are you posting these “replies” i.e. just posting pictures? You deleted your post from Sunday now you just replied again with the same pictures.

Were you not given the answer above?

maybe this will get you started off

Unity - Scripting API: Transform.localPosition](Unity - Scripting API: Transform.parent)

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